Brief Introduction To Obesity Surgery, A Fail Safe Weight Loss Technique

Having something extra is always a good thing, isn’t it? Well, almost everything, except for body weight. From the time of birth until adulthood, it is natural to gain body weight proportionate to the age, gender, growth, and activity. In fact, if an individual stick to adequate physical activities and diet, he or she is never likely to gain excess weight, unless they are suffering from some other underlying medical conditions. Gaining a pound or two after a lazy vacation and some feast season is quite common and it is quite easy to shed it with a strict diet and exercise for a month or two. But sadly, the same trick does not work in case of obesity. Only obesity surgery is the long-term solution for the same.


Obesity is the medical condition characterized by gaining excessive body weight as compared to the age, gender, and requirement of the body. It is measured by many parameters, but the BMI (Body Mass Index) is considered the most widely used parameter for the same. An individual with a BMI higher than 30 is considered obese and should consider a weight reduction surgery to restore their health and fitness. The conditions get worse with time and managing with conventional means become less and less fruitful. Moreover, the presence of extra body weight acts as a breeding ground for several illnesses such as sleep apnea, hypertension, cardiac ailments, osteoarthritis, diabetes type 2, infertility and many more. Weight reduction surgery is the surgical procedure to resolve it for once and for all.

So how does obesity surgery is performed? Well, it is an invasive procedure that involves making either temporary or permanent change in the digestive tract of the obese individual. There are various kinds of obesity surgery procedures that have similar, yet not entirely same technique to attain significant weight loss. There are two principles to achieve the weight loss, namely, the restrictive and malabsorption principles.

Obesity Surgery

The primary procedure requires making an alteration, either temporary and permanent, in which the size of the stomach that stores the food is almost reduced to 15 to 25 percent of its original volume. As a result, the amount of food consumption reduces significantly. Over a short period of time itself, the individual loses noticeable pounds.

The malabsorption principle procedures require making alterations in the small intestine of the obese individual. It often is a permanent procedure, in which a part of the intestine is cut and rerouted to minimize the amount of nutrients that are being absorbed back by the body. It starts to become effective within a short period itself but stays effective for a significantly longer period of time too.

Some of the procedures employ only the restrictive principle, while most of the procedures use a combination of both, to attain maximum weight loss. Thankfully, many excellent bariatric facilities offer effective weight loss procedures for the people dealing with obesity. Of course, it is done only after adequate consultation and evaluating all the aspects of the procedure. If the guidelines are followed closely, the effectiveness of the procedure stays intact for decades, often up to a lifetime.

How Joint Pain Is Associated With Obesity

Our body is a wonderful creation of nature. It grows in a right proportion until we reach adulthood. Every muscle, every joint, every organ and gland have its own crucial function. Unless an illness or accident occurs, the body functions flawlessly. Obesity is one of such health conditions that brings several complications along with it. Several people undergoing bariatric surgery also endured severe joint pain and inflammation prior to the surgery.


Let’s understand the correlation between weight gain and its effect on the joints.

As we human stands and walks straight, the lower limbs and digits encounter the most of our body weight. As already explained, a body keeps functioning well in a healthy status, the same holds true for the joint and bones as well. Things become complicated as we start to put on excess weight. The additional weight, excess of our normal body weight starts to put extra stress on our lower body. As a result, the joints of the lower body, namely the hips, knee, and ankle bears much more weight than they are ideally supposed to.

Needless to say, people start to encounter pain and inflammation in these 3 joints after putting on weight. In case we are dealing with a sudden weight gain over a short period of time, and we manage to lose it in a few months, it possesses no severe threat. After losing weight, the joint pain will go away on its own. But things become more threatening when the extra weight stay for a longer period of time.

Obese Back Pain

It has been found that if we stay overweight or obese for a year or more, the stress building up in the joint can have long-term consequences. The constant pressure over a long-term often leads to bone loss, muscle damage and posture defect. In some severe case, it can also lead to minor limping, fragile bones and distorted posture, which are all, quite challenging to treat completely.

Thereby, obesity surgery doctors always recommend to keep a healthy body weight and immediately seek consultation if convenient weight loss tricks are not working effectively. Moreover, it is also advised to the overweight and obese people to consider weight loss surgery in case they are encountering one or more obesity-associated illness. Bariatric surgery can resolve these associated complications along with attaining weight loss.

How Is Sleep Apnea Related To Obesity?

Sleeping is necessary, if it gets disturbed by any cause it may lead to many problems. On the other hand, this disturbance of sleep can be the reason for other diseases. One of them is obesity. So whenever it happens it’s wise to get an obesity surgery.

Sleep apnea is one of the serious disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops for 10 seconds or more during sleep. The disorder results in decreased oxygen level in the blood and can briefly awaken sleepers throughout the night. Sleep apnea has many different possible causes.

Sleep Apnea

One of the cause is, mostly in adults, is excess weight and obesity. It is associated with a soft tissue of the mouth and throat. During sleep, when throat and tongue muscles are more relaxed, this soft tissue can cause the airway to become blocked. However, many other factors also are associated with the condition in adults. If you wake up several times during sleep time, that can cause stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline to be released. This ends up in metabolic changes which result in weight gain.

More than half of people with this problem are either overweight or obese, which is defined as a body mass index of 30.0 or above. In adults, excess weight is the strongest risk factor associated with sleep apnea. Compared to normal-weight adults, those who are suffering from obesity, have a sevenfold increased risk of developing sleep apnea. However, the impact of BMI on the same becomes less significant after age 60.

In addition, extreme obesity mostly for those who have BMI above 40 is associated with the obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, which can occur alone or in combination with sleep apnea. In this syndrome, which affects up to 25% of the extremely obese, excess body fat not only interferes with chest movement but also compresses the lungs to cause shallow, inefficient breathing throughout the day and night.

Sleep Apnea

Although modest weight loss and a healthy lifestyle improve sleep apnea, it can be difficult for fatigued and sleepy patients to lose weight. In extremely obese patients, bariatric surgery is associated with an 85% success rate in improving the symptoms of sleep apnea.

It is wise to get a bariatric surgery if you’re already suffering from obesity and it’s additional disorder sleep apnea. The surgery will let you lead a normal life than before.

Why Women Put On Much Weight Than Men?

One of the structural difference between men and women is the huge amount of fat women tend to carry. This situation sometimes ends up in obesity. For that, it is wise to get an obesity surgery. So that one can return back to normal life.

Normally women stores fat up to 18% and 20% of body weight, while in men has only 10% to 15%. The reason for this difference is that women at some point in their lives may nourish a fetus and then a baby from their own body, so women have to stock energy in the form of fat in anticipation of future pregnancies.

Obesity Surgery

For several reasons, different fat distributions happen in women according to climate. In hot countries, the fat gets stored on the buttocks and on the hips. Around the navel for some Asians. In cold countries, the distribution of fat is more advanced, fat provides better protection during rigorous winters. However, fat is distributed, because of its main function which is the survival of the human species. As it provides for the survival of the woman and her offspring during times of insufficiency.

Primary Fat stores in women in this places.

1. The Buttocks

The buttock can be quite prominent in women; this is almost entirely due to fat that is contained by the gluteal fold. Besides its role as an energy storage. This concentration protects the anal area and helps make the sitting position more comfortable by cushioning the direct contact between the bones and the ground.

2. Low Back

Second, in importance, fat merges with the gluteal area so that the buttock increases in height until it seems to go up to the waist.

3. Below the Trochanter, or “Riding Breeches”

This is found in Mediterranean women, this concentration can be quite bulky. Located in the superior part of the lateral thigh just below the depression of the greater trochanter. It blends with the fatty tissue of the anterior surface of the thigh and, at the posterior, with that of the buttocks.

4. Between the Thighs

A relatively common portion for women. Fat in this location plays an important aesthetic role in that it fills the space between the two thighs; it is often more noticeable in women than in men.

5. Naval

Around the Naval. It is one of the rare fat deposits that is also found in thin women.

6. Knee

In women, the knee is often a location of fat concentration. Mainly, in the medial region.

7. Breast

The breast region is composed of fat enclosing the mammary glands. Note that men also have glands and mammary fat.

The fat storage for women is definitely very common. However, sometimes, this fat increases in a way, it becomes a problem and ends up in obesity. So it is smart to get an obesity surgery for that.

Few Interesting Factors About Obesity

Obesity is a global medical epidemic that is threatening the health of the population of the entire globe. In this current scenario, about 30 percent of the entire population is either obese or highly overweight. Obesity should be calibrated very carefully as it brings a huge number of collateral illness such as sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, diabetes, heart illness, high blood pressure and many other. By following a healthy lifestyle, one can keep the probability of having obesity at bay. However once the obesity is already in the scenario, the conventional methods of dieting and exercise do very little to correct the situation. Thankfully the emergence of the obesity surgery has helped to control the obesity and its side effects.

Obesity Surgery

Common Reasons and Treatment Options for Obesity

Obesity is a certain medical condition, where fat increases in the body at an excessive rate. It’s a prevalent disease that has become chronic. It is a life-threatening disease, can reduce the chances of long lives.

Obesity Surgery India

There are some reasons why the obese problem can occur:

  • If the family has an obese tendency, so chances of getting overweight are there. The genetic tendency can determine, which part of the body the fat gets stored.

  • The lifestyle of one’s family, eating habits, mostly, can cause obesity.

  • A life without no physical exercise at all can result in the disease.

  • Stopped smoking can cause gaining weight. But not smoking can lead to many benefits.

  • After pregnancy, women can gain weight. But some, do not.

  • Less sleep can be another cause.

  • If you have less space to move around or physical exercise, you can easily gain weight.

Bariatric surgery are certainly recommendable for those who cannot lose weight by normal weight losing strategies, like, medications, exercise and diet control. These days, weight reduction surgery is the quick solution for who are suffering from obesity.

India has become one of the well-known places for obesity surgery. Every single year, so many people come to India for weight loss surgeries.

For several important reasons, people from around the world select India for Bariatric surgery or Weight reduction surgery in India. One of the crucial reason is the best quality hospitals that are situated in India, with their ultra-modern facilities, conducting all kind of weight loss surgeries.

Some common weight loss surgeries performed in India

1. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: This procedure is done by removing a large part of the lower belly. This way, the will of eating of the patient gets reduced. The hormone that creates hunger it gets reduced drastically. The hormone only creates when the stomach is empty, but when the large part of the stomach is cut out from the body, the hormone production becomes less.

Usage of Lap band and fitting gastric balloon are other two procedures of weight reducing.

Obesity Surgery India

2. Gastric bypass operation: It is also called, Roux-en-Y gastric surgery. It’s rather more popular procedure, where only a small part of the stomach is left by the surgery which is called “Pouch”. So the food the patient take it gets stored in the pouch and only a very small proportion of the food it can hold. The pouch prevents the food to go other parts of the stomach. So, the patient feels full by the small amount of food they have taken.

The cost of weight loss surgery in India is 4 to 7 lacks.

Why Obesity Often Causes Infertility?

Obesity is a common problem that is faced by most of the men and women all around the world.  Two major causal factors are fatty food and no exercise. When you are obese, it means that you do not follow the correct lifestyles. It is also really dangerous for your health.  In case, you cannot mitigate obesity completely soon enough, it gives rise to bilateral health problems. You may have a heart attack, high-cholesterol, diabetes, and much more. Besides, obesity can also cause infertility in both men and women. It sounds strange to you but it is highly associated with one another and the weight loss surgery in India is often the right treatment approach for the same.

Why can obesity cause infertility anyway? You may not realize that obesity has a strong connection with infertility. In both women and men, the obesity can reduce the chance of pregnancy. If you are currently joining a reproductive therapy program but you are still obese, then you may fail to get pregnant. However, if you try to have weight loss surgery in India, the chance of pregnancy gets pretty high.

Obesity and Infertility

You may know that obesity also has a connection to the diabetes mellitus and it will cause insulin resistance. In this case, it should be linked to woman reproduction issue. Obesity is known to have a connection to the an ovulation either. In any case of men, obesity may affect the overall sperm count drastically.

Having any of the above-mentioned trouble can cause hindrance to conceive a child even without any birth control. This is true for both biological reasons and physical reasons. Many times a couple cannot conceive because due to obesity, they either lose interest in getting physical intimacy or unable to get engaged in the due to heavy weight.


The process of weight loss needs time and you must be patient. According to a research, you only need to have 5% loss of body weight in order to reduce the infertility issue and reduce the biochemical abnormalities. You can eventually increase the ovulation rate to get pregnant again.

Actually, you can do the weight loss program at home by controlling your diet and exercise every day. But, if you still cannot reduce the body weight, then you need to get weight loss surgery in India from a well reputed medical facility to get over the same.

Why Exercising Is Not a Feasible Option for Every Overweight Patient

We all have heard one particular slogan multiple times since our childhood, “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.”  But in reality, let it be jack or Jill, playing, or more appropriately exercising is not always feasible. According to obesity surgery doctors, dedicating as little as 20-30 minutes a day, will improve the physical health a lot.


However, several people struggle with the same and often give up after a period of time. Let’s understand the main reasons why exercising does not work for most of the people.

Here are the 4 prime reasons –

  1. Regular time

Exercise is more like a routine rather than a ‘once in a while’ kind of thing. You have to reserve some time each day, preferably at the same time for quite a long period. If you skip for even a few days, it will break the rhythm and you will have to start all over again. So, a regular dedication is the most important factor for a fruitful exercise regime.

  1. Need prerequisites

You simply can’t start doing push-ups, every time you get a 10 minute break from your work. Exercise does demand few prerequisites. For instance, your belly must be empty for at least 4 to 6 hours. Obesity surgery doctor says, it is harmful to exercise with full or even partially full stomach. It can cause acid re-flux, GERD and make you throw up.

  1. Need some basic physical mobility

Initiating exercise is a good option for people having normal to a bit more body weight. But it is a lot more challenging, and often impossible for the people who are already dealing with obesity. Consider this yourself, the people who can’t even move freely, how difficult will exercise be for them, with falling down and injuring themselves.

  1. Lack of dedication

The most important factor that causes hindrance is the lack of dedication. Exercise for a few days or even a few weeks, may often bring no positive result. This may act as a negative motivation and make you terminate it.


Thus, when the conventional exercise does very tricky to comply, you can always reach for a more effective approach to losing weight. The obesity surgery doctors consider the weight loss surgery as a fail-safe surgical approach to battle obesity out of your life. Before going for any decision, take out some time to discuss it with a doctor first.

Is Midnight Snacks Secretly Fattening You?

As rightly said by, “people who love to eat are always the best people”, every foodie can relate themselves to it. Honestly, what can be more tempting than to gulp delicious food? But as per obesity surgery doctor, keeping the track of the calories consumed each day plays a crucial role in shaping our shape. The perfect balance of calorie intake and burned is necessary for healthy living.

On an average, we consume mainly four meals throughout the day, namely, breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, evening snacks and dinner in the night. It is advisable to include every nutrient such as carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals in adequate proportion. But some of us consume an additional mean, well, technically not throughout the day, but at night instead. This is called ‘midnight munching’.


After the tiring schedule of the entire day, you are less likely to cook yourself a healthy portion of diet for yourself. Indeed, high chances are there that you would go for ready to eat, processed food to satisfy your taste buds and hunger pangs. According to obesity surgery doctor, these foods do more harm than good.

Eating high fat content food is not excellent in any part of the day. But let’s assume if you do eat these at breakfast or lunch, you are making lots of movements throughout the day, which aids in the breakdown and digestion of the food. In contrast, while you consume these foods at night, you are more likely to go to bed straight after wiping your mouth.

It is quite observed that, most of us actually eat these midnight snacks on bed itself. Going to bed does very little to digest these portions of food and goes directly to the stores which results in fattening you. Moreover, it is quite observed that people eat out of boredom as well.

Fat stomach surrounded with measuring tape and burger

So next time, you feel hunger pangs, before stuffing your mouth with mouth-watering foods, decode a simple formula called, HALT, evaluate yourself- Are you Hungry? Are you Angry? Are you Lonely? Or are you Tired? You will be amazed to find that many a times, these munching has nothing to do with actual hunger and thus helps you to limit your food intake.

Thus, it is not forbidden to eat at or after bedtime, you must properly calibrate how much calories you are engulfing. Try substituting your regular junkie snacks with salad or sprouts for healthy living.